Auction XIX and XX Century Paintings and Sculptures November 2017

XIX and XX Century Paintings and Sculptures 

Palazzo Crivelli - Via Pontaccio 12, Milan

Viewing: 10-11-12 November  2017 (10/13 – 14.30/18.30)

Auction: 15 November 2017

The paintings and sculptures of the 19th and 20th centuries auction that will be held at the Il Ponte in Milan on November 15 proposes a collection of almost 300 lots embracing much of the artistic panorama of that period.

The oil on tablet by Luigi Nono, "Il timido innamorato" of 1916, is an important testimony as to how the artist revisits his most successful works.

Giacomo Grosso's large painting, "Sacra Famiglia" of 1902, is one of the greatest works of the Piedmontese artist, a historical work in which the dimensions further enhance the quality of his style and represent his highest poetical and iconic peak.

The painting by Filippo Carcano, "Nata dal mare" of 1911, is emblematic of the mystical and symbolic theme that the artist adopts in the early 20th century and is in line with the orientation of time in poetry and literature.

Within the sale there are also two sections dedicated to a collection of works by Giovanni Sottocornola and Guido Tallone.

By the former artist is a group of fifteen works including pastels, oil paintings, watercolors and drawings that deal with all the themes dear to him: family, affections, social problems, love for nature and the simplicity of peasant life.

By Guido Tallone is a collection of twenty-one significant works that represent the different aspects of his production: Venice, Torcello, Alpignano, Caselette and other works with a more romantic flavor such as "Le rose e le coste di Alpignano” and “Negozio di dolciumi a Venezia”, inns, landscapes and the “Marinas”.

Worth mentioning are two paintings by Giuseppe De Nittis "Litorale" and "Contadino campano" "of 1873.

Among the Piedmontese artists: Leonardo Roda with "Il Cervino" of 1881 and Lorenzo Delleani "Strada di campagna al sole" dated 18.7.95 and "Scende la nebbia" dated 5.10.1906.

Melanese views by Giuseppe Barbaglia's are also present with the characteristic "Fiera degli O Bej! Oh Bej!" as well as Luigi Spreafico's " Alba di Quaresima (Portici settentrionali in costruzione)” and those by Arturo Ferrari.

The first half of the 20th century is represented by the valuable works of Giuseppe Biasi Da Teulada, "Danzatrici e suonatrici " and Plinio Nomellini's "Scena veneziana", oil on cardboard.

Vincenzo Irolli's "La festa", a large-scale oil made in the last phase of his life, is a triumph of colors and sounds so distant from Cesare Maggi's "La rimembranza" of 1924, which pinpoints the nostalgic and almost decadent aspect of old age.

Among the sixteen sculptures on sale are Paolo Troubetzkoy's gesso, "Ritratto di giovane donna: Maria Cavallotti in Villa or Margherita Villa", Arturo Dazzi 's marble sculpture "Giovane donna" and bronzes by Paul Dubois, Vincenzo Gemito, Eliseo Sala.