Estimate € 500 - 800
Auction: 23 May 2018 at 15:30
DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) - La Divina Comedia. Venice: Domenico Farri, 1578. Little size edition of the Divine Commedy with the commentary by Ludovico Dolce, reprint of the edition Farri 1569. 12mo (133 x 700mm). Woodcut printer device and border on title, woodcut headpieces and initials (some browning, spotting, waterstaining, title restored at the outer margin, many wormholes restored). Modern vellum, light blue edges (spine lightly chipped). Provenance: on B5 verso ownership note "Gio.[vanni] Batt[ista] Capocefali 1583", on I recto ownership note of Giovanni Pompeo Manzoardi (?), onb I verso some manuscript annotations and one ownership note dated to 1736 (partly cancelled) and one "Dato in regalo dal sig. Tenente Colonnello Pietro Pietrogalli a Gio[vanni] Battista Bianchi nel 1826", modern annotations in Greek on the anterior endpaper.
Estimate € 500 - 800