APULEIO (125-170 D.C.) - Commentarii a Philippo Beroaldo condition in Asinum Aureum Lucii Apuleii. Bologna: Benedicto Hectoris, 1500.   First separate edition of the "Asinus aureus" (The Golden Ass), the only Latin novel to survive in its entirety (including the famous story of Love and Psyche). Also the first edition of the extensive commentary by the Bolognese humanist Ph. Beroaldus (1453-1505). Copy with the 16-leaf "Tabula vocabulorum et historiarum", "printed later than the body of the book" (BMC).   Folio (308 x 215mm). Woodcut mark at the end. Roman type,capital spaces with guide-letters. BMC VI:845. BSBMünchen A-657; Goff A-938.

Estimate € 2,000 - 3,000

Sold € 1,800