BIANCANI, Giuseppi (1566-1624) - Sphaera mundi seu cosmographia demonstrativa, ac facili methodo tradita. Modena: Giuliano Cassiani, 1635.   Third augmented edition with the addition of the treatise about sundials "Contructio instrumenti ad horologia solaria describenda per opportuni". The first edition was published in 1620 in Bologna and the second in 1630 in Modena.   2 parts in one volume, folio (286 x 204mm). Woodcut device on titles, initials, head- and tailpieces, diagrams, 2 plates of which one folding, folding table, at end 3 leaves containing 12 smaller engravings on recto and verso to be cut in order to form volvelles and plates (occasional light staining, browning and spotting, H6 reinforced in margins). Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine (light chipping to spine, a few stains). The compositions of the volvelles may vary and therefore the lot is sold not subject to return. Provenance: Giacomo Barolini? (nota di possesso al frontespizio) - annotazione a p. 155.

Estimate € 600 - 900

Sold € 1,000